Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina:
Osculetur me
(1584, Motettorum quinque vocibus liber quartus ex Canticis Salomonis)
The Sixteen
Harry Christophers
Osculetur me osculo oris sui,
quia meliora sunt ubera tua vino,
fragrantia unguentis optimis.
Oleum effusum nomen tuum,
ideo adulescentulae dilexerunt te.
=== ENGLISH ===
Let him kiss me with the kiss of his mouth:
for thy breasts are better than wine,
smelling sweet of the best ointments.
Thy name is as oil poured out,
therefore young maidens have loved thee.
=== MAGYAR ===
Csókoljon meg engem az ő szája csókjával;
mert jobbak a te emlőid a bornál,
legjobb drágakenetekkel illatozók.
Kiöntött olaj a te neved;
azért szeretnek téged a leánykák.
1 view
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