Snail-shaped BRIOCHE in 2 colors. Perfect for the Winter holidays!

Dough ingredients 150 ml of hot water 2/3 cup 150 ml of warm milk 2/3 cup 10 g of dry yeast or 25 g of fresh yeast 100 g of sugar 2/3 cup 10 g of salt 1 egg 550 g of white flour 4, 1/3 cup 130 g of soft butter 1/2 cup 70 g of soft butter - for greasing 1/3 cup 20 g of cocoa 30 ml of hot (boiled) water 30 ml. of milk for greasing Optionally chocolate Method of preparation Put the yeast, water, milk and sugar in a small bowl. Leave for 10 minutes (the yeast will activate and form a little hat on top) Then add the flour, egg and salt and knead until you get a uniform, elastic dough that does not stick to your hands. Cover the dough with a kitchen napkin and let it rise for 30 minutes. Add the soft butter and knead until the butter is incorporated, then mix the cocoa with hot water, divide the dough into 2 parts and pour the cocoa on one side, knead until it is completely colored. Let the doughs rise for 30 minutes. Divide the dough into 3 parts, form balls and start rolling from the first ball. Put each piece on a plate, brush with butter, then add the other one and brush with butter again, until the last one. Let it rest for 20 minutes, then roll with a rolling pin. Cut long strips and roll into a snail shape. Let the brioches rise for 20 minutes, then brush with milk and bake for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 190 C / 374 F. When they are brown, remove from the oven. Fill the muffins with chocolate, jam or cream. Bon Appetite!
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