WIP extract

This is only a small part of what’s been rendered out for this episode, but there’s still other stuff to do before it’s finished - but since I haven’t posted anything new for a couple of months - I thought I’d show this small section just now as a sort of placeholder until the complete thing is done. This one is taking a while as a lot of the scene files are missing, so new ones are being created to fill the gaps. Some of these will be close to the originals, some will be a little different (I’m taking it on a scene by scene basis). I’ve also took some liberties with the editing of this. In the episode the action is split between Marcus and Ivanova on the whitestar, Sheridan and Delenn on a Sharlin, the battle itself and Dr Franklin and his walkabout. I’ve striped most of the live action (and audio) out in order to focus on the CGI sequences. As always the models are those used on the show, as is most of the textures (except the nebula which I stretched to an
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