🎬 👉Quanzhou was the largest port in China from the Song Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), when the country shipped ceramics, tea and other products via ports along its southeast coastal route to Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Europe.位于福建省东南沿海的泉州,自古就是中国对外贸易上贸易的窗口。宋元时期,泉州港成为世界第二大港。 对于外地人来说,鲜少人知道泉州古称刺桐城。据说五代时节度使留从效扩建城廓时,广种花红似火的刺桐,
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4 months ago 00:39:35 1
He QUIT CHESS for college, now he’s TOP 8! WEI YI Podcast