Etienne Dilocker on Vector Search Engines and Weaviate

Vector Search Engines are powering the the next generation of search. Instead of relying on things like BM25 or TF-IDF representations, we use neural representations to compare semantic similarity. Dot products to calculate the similarity between all vectors would be very time consuming. Hierarchical Navigable Small World Graphs (HNSW) are a cutting-edge new algorithm used by Weaviate to speed up this search. This podcast explores HNSW, Neurosymbolic search and filtering, and many more! I hope you find this interesting, happy to answer any questions left on the YouTube video! Check out this Introduction to Weaviate: Very well organized, no headaches getting started! Chapters 0:00 Introduction 1:30 Why Vector Search Engines? 3:02 Hierarchical Navigable Small World Graphs and Scaling 9:00 Setup Questions 12:57 What is the compute heavy part? 17:15 Neurosymbolic Databases 23:53 Weaviate for Language
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