tinyML Talks India: Single Lead ECG Classification On Wearable and Implantable Devices

tinyML Talks - India meetup Single Lead ECG Classification On Wearable and Implantable Devices Arijit Ukil Senior Scientist in TCS Research Tata Consultancy Services, India Gitesh Kulkarni Scientist, Embedded Devices, and Intelligent Systems, TCS Research, Bangalore, India Electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the fundamental markers to detect different cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Owing to the widespread availability of ECG sensors (single lead) as well as smartwatches with ECG recording capability, ECG classification using wearable devices to detect different CVDs has become a basic requirement for a smart healthcare ecosystem. We demonstrate that novel method of model compression with robust detection capability for CVDs from ECG signals can be aptly ported to the resource constrained micro-controller platform suitable for wearable devices while minimizing the performance loss. We employ knowledge distillation-based model compression approach where the baseline (teacher) dee
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