серый филин/Greyish Eagle Owl Bubo cinerascens Kenya Birding Tour
The Greyish Eagle-Owl: A Majestic Nocturnal Hunter The Greyish Eagle-Owl is a large and impressive bird, measuring about 18-20 inches in length with a wingspan of up to 4 feet. It is easily recognized by its greyish-brown plumage, large round eyes, and distinctive ear tufts. The owl’s cryptic coloration helps it blend seamlessly into its rocky habitat during the day, making sightings all the more exciting for birdwatchers. Habitat and Distribution In Kenya, the Greyish Eagle-Owl is commonly found in semi-arid regions, rocky outcrops, and savannas. Baringo Rocks, with its rugged terrain and abundant crevices, provides an ideal roosting site for these owls. During the day, birdwatchers can track Greyish Eagle-Owls roosting in the shade of rocks and cliffs, while at night, these formidable predators become active hunters. Behaviour and Diet Greyish Eagle-Owls are nocturnal hunters, preying on a variety of small mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects. They use their excellent vision and
8 months ago 00:00:21 2
серый филин/Greyish Eagle Owl Bubo cinerascens Kenya Birding Tour
2 years ago 00:00:29 5
сероватый или вермикулированный филин/Greyish Eagle-Owl
2 years ago 00:01:01 4
сероватый или вермикулированный филин/Vermiculated Eagle-owl or Greyish Eagle Owl