EuroCity 212 “Mimara“ (Zagreb-Frankfurt) at Jesenice, Slovenia
EuroCity train 212 (“Mimara“) arriving at the station of Jesenice, Slovenia - the border station with Austria. This train connects Zagreb, Croatia, with Frankfurt, Germany, also stopping in cities such as Ljubljana, Salzburg and Munich.
The train was formed of only three ÖBB coaches - from the front, a first class compartment coach, a second class compartment coach, and a second class open plan coach. Once in Villach, more coaches were added.
Treno EuroCity 212 (“Mimara“) nella stazione di Jesenice, in Slovenia, al confine con l’Austria. Questo treno collega Zagabria con Francoforte, fermandosi anche in città come Lubiana, Salisburgo e Monaco.
Il treno è formato solamente da tre carrozze austriache (ÖBB) - una di prima classe a scompartimenti, e due di seconda classe (solo una a scompartimenti). A Villaco, altre carrozze sono state aggiunte.
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2 years ago 00:00:30 1
EuroCity 212 “Mimara“ (Zagreb-Frankfurt) at Jesenice, Slovenia
5 years ago 00:03:11 1
520 min. zpožděný EC 278 METROPOLITAN - Pardubice hl.n. -