Since they were just a child growing up on the banks of the Kagera, the huge river that curls throughout East Africa, Kenyan multi-instrumentalist, singer and producer Kabeaushé realized there was a sparkle inside that set them apart from their peers. As other kids assembled hierarchies and favored aggressive competition, Kabeaushé became obsessed with compassion, cuteness and ecstatic softness; uninterested in friction, they were driven by a search for bliss that, in time, directed them towards music. Inspired by Prince, Grace Jones, Bollywood soundtracks and, more recently, the boundlessly creative hybrid sounds of Tyler the Creater, Kabochi slowly began assembling a unique style that melts together music and theater, cooking up songs that are as supple and funky as they are gentle and self-aware.
“The Coming of Gaze“ is the Shé’s ambitious debut statement, an album that’s as meticulously conceived as an acrobatic stage-show, and