Yangthang Rinpoche in Assam 2015/ 揚唐仁波切主持普巴法會/ Rayonner Films 2015

This 8-mins film shows Yangthang Rinpoche’s leading the Vajrakilaya Puja to remove obstacles of the ongoing construction of a new shrine called Zamdok Palri, as being invited by Khen Rinpoche Tsering Dorjee. 這部八分多鐘的影片記錄了揚唐仁波切應徹令多傑堪仁波切之請,主持普巴金剛法會,來去除建設新蓮師宮殿的障礙. A DHARMA SOUND OCEAN PROUCTION RAYONNER FILMS 2015 (Assam, India)
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