Dragunov Bone Breaking - Tekken 7

Notations: 1 - left punch 2 - right punch 3 - left kick 4 - right kick f - forward b - back u - up d - down If in capital, hold. (Ex. F means hold forward) d/f - down forward diagonal d/b - down back diagonal u/f - up forward diagonal u/b - up back diagonal qcf - quarter circle forward (d, d/f, f) qcb - quarter circle back (d, d/b, b) SS - sidestep Moves (numbered according to command list): 5. Hammer and Sickle to Feint & Catch - 1,3,2,1 2 17. Step in Mantis - f3,3 23. Mantis Heel - d/f3 31. Clipping Heel Hook - d/b3 32. Clipping Sweep to Feint & Catch - d/b3,1 2 33. Eye Gouge to Stingray - b2,1,3 34. Eye Gouge to Stingray to Feint and Catch - b2,1,3,1 2 35. Scorpion Scissors
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