1958-9-25 Art Ford-9 + Charlie Shavers + Coleman Hawkins + PeeWee Russell

9/25/58 N.J., WNTA-TV&bc - Art Ford Jazz Party - Charlie Shavers (t,v) (tb) Pee Wee Russell (c1) Coleman Hawkins (ts) Lester Young (*ts) Willie“The Lion“Smith (p) Harry Sheppard (vib) Dick Thompson (g) Vinnie Burke (b) Sonny Greer (d) Mae Barnes (v) George Wettling (d added on -15), all on JCH-CD-8 / 5-9 & 13&14 on DVD-33a 01 6:10 *When I Grow Too Old To Dream -full group 02 2:58 Infirmary -v&c & full group 03 2:02 Sweet Georgia Brown -vMB & Shavers
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