Nikolai Valuev went to turn around harsh rivers and dismantle mountain ranges. The world boxing champion went to the largest Rus

Nikolai Valuev went to turn around harsh rivers and dismantle mountain ranges. The world boxing champion went to the largest Russian construction site — BAM 2. He lived with the builders, ate with them in the same dining room and, of course, played sports. He was accepted into the team and even promised a job. Don’t miss the new film by Lidia Vasilevskaya and Ekaterina Kozhakina about the largest Russian construction site of the century. The premiere will be broadcast on RTD on October 16 at 04:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m., and 08:00 p.m. The live broadcast is in the profile header. The film will also be available in our online cinema . FOLLOW ? News&Docfilms Channel Source: RT Documentary
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