30 Days to a Flat Belly is a comprehensive workout plan that produces real results without a pricey gym membership. You can do these effective workouts at home.
00:00 Reverse Plank
00:38 Kneeling Plank
1:11 Rest 30sec
1:44 Elbow-Up Plank
2:21 Front Plank
2:53 Rest 30sec
3:26 Alternate Leg Raise
4:01 Unilateral leg Raises
4:35 Rest 30sec
5:08 Jack Knife
5:44 Crunch (Leg Raise)
6:16 Rest 30sec
6:49 Starfish Crunch
7:26 Crab Twist
7:58 Rest 30sec
8:32 Sit-up
9:07 Sit-ups Crunch
9:40 Rest 30sec
10:13 Janda Sit-up
10:49 Quarter Crunch
#flat #belly #abs #stomach
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