Building a Better Land Raider for Warhammer 40K

The Land Raider kit is an iconic piece of design and still hold up really well for a kit that was released nearly a quarter of a century ago. But, for me, the Spartan Assault Tank looks better - the proportions work better and the detail is unsurprisingly superior. The idea of Kitbashing the Spartan as a Land Raider proxy is hardly original, but I’ve not seen many attempts that try and make it look more like a Land Raider, so that’s what I’ve done... I hope! If you want to have a go at Kitbashing the Land Raider Spartan conversion yourself, here’s a link to the templates I made for the upper track guards: And these are the materials I’ve used. Please note these are affiliate links, and if you make any purchases using the links I will receive a small commission - if that seems like heresy to you, please don’t use the link! Nail Art Rivets: Styrene Sheet: =sr_1_1?crid=DUJR3E8HP5S4&keywords=1mm styrene sheet&qid=1699627758&s=kitchen&sprefix=1mm styrene sheet,kitchen,58&sr=1-1&_encoding=UTF8&tag=offbeatbuilds-21&linkCode=ur2&linkId=fcd01b13b297c5bf470ffcf0f2584da6&camp=1634&creative=6738 -------- Social Links -------- @offbeatbuilds
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