Tinnitus Smoother 14kHz Focused Masking Noise

Tinnitus Smoother is masking noise centered around 14kHz designed to distract the mind away from tinnitus ringing that is a near match this frequency. There are more sound video creations to cover different ranges of ringing as it is unique to each listener. Some are focused on a narrow frequency range while others have a sweeping frequency band in order to momentarily cross the ringing frequency of a listener. This sonic video creation is part of a series of noises designed for masking, distracting and possibly re-training and habituating the mind to focus less on the ringing on tinnitus ringing. It may work for some listeners, but it will not work for everybody, and it will not work for all types of tinnitus. Noise masking played back at low volume could potentially offer a degree of temporary relief. Some medical researchers believe the ringing may be reduced by one third. Seeking out an audiologist for hearing affliction is a good idea. I’ve been an audio engineer for forty years and while I’m not audio therapist by trade, I create noise that works for my own tired ears and possibly others. Share your experiences in the comments below, and one of the first 25 subscribers to share a story will get the tinnitus Noise Masking download bundle from the website. Thanks for listening. Dale Related Video Creations: The Ear Fatigue Playlist: Tinnitus Scrubber is High Range Noise Masking for Relief (Hopefully) Tinnitus Flosser Masker at 8kHz May Mask Yours Here are ways to support the channel: Subscribe: Try Super Thanks :) Buy noise clips here: Tinnitus Smoother 14kHz 1 & 10 Hour Audio Mp3 download: The complete Bundle of Tinnitus Relief Audio for one low price: The Noise Cafe Store: DaleSnale - Noise Ambient on Patreon: Tip Jar: Thanks for your support. 0:00 Introduction 0:08 Explanation 0:55 The Tinnitus Smoother 14kHz Noise 09:59:50 Outro #tinnituszapper #tinnitussmoother #tinnitusscrubber #noiseambient #tinnitusrelief #dalesnale Disclaimer: DaleSnale is an audio specialist and content creator, not a trained audio therapist. The Dalesnale - Noise Ambient YouTube channel is for entertainment purposes only, and should never be used to replace any medical advice or treatment. If you have a medical condition or ailment, consult a medical expert. Listening to any sounds at a high level for prolonged periods is unhealthy as stated by OSHA guidelines. Always listen at medium or low levels that feel comfortable. By using this channel you do so at your own risk. The DaleSnale - Noise Ambient YouTube channel accepts no liability in part or in full for any damages or injury caused by the use of any content provided. Do not operate machinery or drive while listening or viewing DaleSnale - Noise Ambient content.
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