War Bonds explained | How children helped pay for both world wars

Wars are expensive, world wars doubly so, and that means governments are fighting for every penny. They raise taxes, introduce rationing, and take on loans. But after all that, they still have to borrow money from their own citizens in the form of War Bonds. So what is a War Bond and how do states get all their citizens, including children, to pay up? 0:00 Intro 0:47 Wars are expensive 1:33 What is a War Bond? 2:22 Propaganda 3:10 War Bond posters 4:22 Showing the impact 5:55 Conclusion While our doors are temporarily closed, we still have millions of unforgettable stories to share with you. Your support is invaluable to help ensure we can share them with generations to come – please consider supporting Imperial War Museums today. Support us:
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