Triassic-Jurassic Extinction Level multiple Impact in real time
Russia, Ukraine, France, Canada, USA. In these countries have been discovered 7 impact craters ranged between 6 and 100 km diameter. Although their datations have still a low confidence, most scientists assume these impacts occurred at the end of Triassic era, slight before the Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction, mostly induced by the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province which could bury USA under 2 miles depth of lava.
This chronological proximity between these craters led some geologists to propose a multiple impact event hypothesis, which is currently called a Catena. We have in the Solar System plenty of examples of catenas, the most famous was the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet which after broke apart hit Jupiter with 21 fragments, in 1994.
I propose you a simulation of the multiple impact event hypothesis in real time, occurred 205 million years ago when all the continents formed Pangaea :)
Simulation performed using Rstudio, with impact velocity at 17 km per second, impactor density of (classic chondrite), and an impact angle of 45° from the ground
0:00 Introduction
1:03 Impact #1
1:56 Impact #2
2:25 Impact #3
4:30 Impact #4
5:48 Impact #5
7:17 Impact #6
7:46 Impact #7
8:00 Real time apocalypse
1:01:06 Accelerated timelapse for Air blast
1:03:03 Conclusion
--------------- SOURCES ---------------
Impactors density, velocity and angle impact from the ground have been found on Wikipedia, in Rochechouart crater page (the oldest and the most studied crater among the seven impacts).
Impactors diameters have been estimated from craters diameters also found in Wikipedia
Puchezh-Katunki crater :
Kursk crater :
Obolon’ crater : ’_crater
Rochechouart crater :
Manicouagan crater :
St Martin lake crater :
Red wing crater :
The simulation is based on Impact! Earth algorithm
Simulator :
Equations :
Pangaea elevation dataset :
Earthquake wave propagation velocity :
--------------- SOUNDTRACK ---------------
Mass Effect 2 - Normandy theme :
Cryo Chamber :
Apocalypse WW1 OST - La Marne :
Mass effect 3 - Nyreen :
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