
The Cupioli family belongs to a very small category of “scagliolisti“ artisans who represent an ancient tradition, with a fascinating history involving what is known as “the art of inlaid work in scagliola“. Back in the 1950s, when people in Italy were still thinking about the reconstruction and restoration of the artistic heritage that had been damaged in the Second World War, the young Lodovico Cupioli started out on his career as a restorer of antique tables and altar frontals; he then went on to produce the first orders for inlaid work in “scagliola“, making innovative use of different supports such as marble and slate which were inlaid and decorated with coloured “scagliolas“. When his brother Renzo joined the company, they began to develop an intense activity producing decorations - some of them of great artistic worth - commissioned by customers from all over the world.
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