Nyahbinghi Chanting Queen Ifrica

Everyone should know who Qedamawi Jahnhoy is. He is Elect of Igziabher/God, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Jah RastafarI, Defender of Faith, King of Kings, Light of the World and His Imperial Majesty Haile Sellassie the First. Long before the wind of change started to waft over Africa with such telling effect, His Imperial Majesty had sown the seeds of African liberation. Ethiopia’s struggle against colonialism and aggression constitutes not only the first chapter in the history of Africa’s liberation, it was a beacon and a symbol to those who later joined the ranks to African freedom fighters. His Majesty the Emperor has evinced his sustaining interest in Africa’s peace, progress and prosperity. In inter-African affairs he will go down as the father of the Organization of African Unity. For in both the convening of the historic Summit of 1963 and the signing of the OAU Charter he played a decisive role. If Addis Ababa has become the Geneva of Africa, it is primarily because of His Imperi
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