This is an assembly video of the Spotmicro.
The 3D file is free and you can download it from the link below.
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To make this, you need the following...
12 × MG 996 R servo motor
1 × Arduino Mega
2 × HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor
1 × HC-06 Bluetooth module
1 × MPU-6050 Gyro sensor
1 × I2C 16x2 LCD Module
1 × Rleil rocker switch RL3-4
Screws, Nuts and Bearings
8 × M5×15
40 × M4×20
8 × M4×15
48 × M4 nut
4 × M3×20
28 × M3×10
16 × M3 nut
8 × F625zz Flange ball bearing