If you have potatoes at home, make this easy, cheap, and delicious recipe.

If you have potatoes at home, make this easy, cheap, and delicious recipe, ASMR video. Hello everyone! This recipe can be prepared in a few minutes! ❗ Great idea. Simple and tasty. The whole family will enjoy this potato dish. Great recipe if you have leftover potatoes. This surprisingly simple dish is quick and easy to prepare. Anyone can cook potatoes with this recipe. Ingredients: 3 potatoes (800 grams). 1 small carrot. oil 100 grams of pizza cheese or something similar salt Black pepper spring onions Dough: 2 eggs. 1/2 teaspoon salt (4 grams). 4 tablespoons of flour (80 grams). 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder. 2 tablespoons of yogurt (100 grams). To fry: 1 cup of oil (200 ml). Serve with yogurt or sour cream. Enjoy your meal! #brat_kartoffeln #rezepte #kartoffeln_rezept #cook potato #potato recipe potatorecipe #potao recipes #kartoffelrezept ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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