Indulj el (Moldva) / Ősi zene - Ancient music - népzene (Hungarian Moldavian)
’Indulj el’ v ’Indulj el egy úton’
Zene / music: Alexander Horsch with Gyöngyös band (Hungary) Ősi zene - Indulj el (Moldva) / Ancient music (Moldavian) - Folk music - Magyar népzene
Art work by several Hungarian artists and/or artists inspired by Hungarian (folk) art.
It’s over ten years now that I uploaded this song combined with some art work. Grateful to see how many, from all over the world, can appreciate this song, this version of ’Indulj El’. That many come back every now and then, just to rejoice.
As a Dutchman I was a bit hesistant to upload this almost sacred much beloved Hungarian folk song that touches the heart of many. But I am happy I did.
It was actually the depth of the hungarian folk music that made me fell in love with Hungary. I am grateful that I could live in Hungary, this beautiful country, for over 7 years and even learn the language. Both the lyrics and the translation, as you can find below, might be not perfect, please forgive me as a non-native Hungarian speaker (although Hungarian is quite phonetic, some words are ancient and unfamiliar to me). You can find several suggestions and translations in the comments as well.
I also come back to this song every now and then, and it brings up tears of ’homesickness’ (’honvágy’ is way more striking) as I regard Hungary as my second motherland. For all Hungarians: please be proud of your country and find love in your heart for all that love your country as much as you do - Edwin
Many asked for a copy of this song. I am afraid it’s hard to obtain. You might have to turn to the old master Alexander Horsch himself: És-A-Gyöngyös-Együttes-Ősi-Zene
Kimegyek az útra, lenézek az úton
Látom édesemet, ő es lát engemet
I go out on the road, I look down along the road
I see my sweetheart, and he also sees me.
Akarom szólitni, szánom búsítani
úgyis megszólítom egy szóval kettővel
I want to hug him, to call? him
Im going to hug him anyway with one word or two.
Ne menj el édesem ne hagyj el engemet
sír a szívem érted maj’ meghalok érted
Dont go my sweetheart, dont leave me,
My heart is crying for you I almost die for you.
Vékony a pókháló az is megtart engem
csak egy hajszálon is hozzád ránthatsz engem
The spidernet is thin, it can hold me
You can pull me towards you even with a single hair.
Te túl, rózsám, te túl a világ erdején,
De én jóval innet, bánatnak mezején,
You are overthere, my rose, You are over the forests of the world
But Im here, on the field of sorrow.
Indulj el egy úton, én is egy másikon,
Hol egymást találjuk, egymásnak se szóljunk
Start out on one road, Ill take the other one.
Where we find each other, we wont say a word to each other.
Aki minket meglát, mit fog az mondani,
Azt fogja gondolni, idegenek vagyunk.
Those who see us what is he/she going to say?
He/she is going to think that we are strangers.
Idegenek vagyunk, szeretetet tartunk,
Ahol összegyűlünk, ketten szeretkezünk.
Idegenek vagyunk, szeretetet tartunk,
Ahol összegyűlünk, ketten szeretkezünk.
We are strangers, we keep love
Where we gather together we make love.
1 view
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