’Sir’ Oliver Mally’s Blues Distillery - Bad Dream

Album: Bulletproof, Lyrics: Had a bad, bad dream last night. The whole world was set on fire. Had a bad, bad dream last night. The whole world was set on fire. Lord, it made me feel so bad. I could not help but hang my head and cry. Had a bad, bad dream last night. The whole world turned its back on me. Had a bad, bad dream last night. The whole world turned its back on me. No one to talk to. And no one to keep me company. Had a bad, bad dream last night. Death came knocking up on my door. Had a bad, bad dream last night. Death came knocking up on my door. Said: “Son, you’re bound to leave with me. Ain’t gonna roam this world no more.“ Had a bad, bad dream last night. Had a bad, bad dream last night. The whole world was set on fire. Made me feel so bad, Well I could hardly keep from crying. thanks to fivetimesyo If anybody in Austria is capable of playing „Contemporary
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