#107 QGIS for groundwater applications

Register for the Live Training Course: QGIS for groundwater modelling: Download this presentation slides here: ****Chapters**** 00:00 - Introductions & Polls 07:15 - Preprocessing groundwater data in QGIS 23:08 - Input data mobile app 24:21 - Resources 25:52 - Visualising groundwater data in QGIS 35:17 - Viewing a surface in 3D 38:40 - Q&A 49:12 - Wrap-up ****Description**** Hear from Hans van der Kwast @ IHE Delft Institute for Water Education and Kurt Menke @ Septima, discuss preprocessing and visualising open data for groundwater analysis and modelling. QGIS offers great tools for groundwater applications. Join this webinar to learn about the tools in QGIS for groundwater applications. Learn how to prepare data for groundwater analysis and modelling and visualise the results in 2D and 3D. This webinar will demonstrate a typical GIS workflow for hydrogeological studies: 1. Importing borehole data from va
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