Top sirloin is basically a sirloin steak with the bones and bottom round muscles removed. You get a “premium” boneless cut with top sirloin, which makes for a superior eating experience. The top sirloin is a section of the cow tucked between the butt and the ribs and underneath the coveted tenderloin. This relatively lean steak can be exceedingly delicious — as long as you know what to do with it. In this guide, we’ll dig into the origins of this tasty steak, how you can choose the right cut of beef, and various cooking methods, and answer some of your most frequently asked questions. Top sirloin steak comes from the sirloin subprimal, a subsection of the larger beef loin primal cut. If you look at a diagram of a cow, you’ll see the sirloin subprime split into multiple sections. The top sirloin is sandwiched by the bottom sirloin, also known as the sirloin butt and the tenderloin. Many shoppers have approached the butcher’s case or grocery store meat aisle only to be confronted by sirloin steak a
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