CRTelebeatz Impov Jamming with the visitor
来訪者とのブラウン管テレビーツ即興セッション 📺⚡️
@ 文化庁メディア芸術祭25周年企画展
CRT-TV Drums jamming by Ei Wada x Ryuichiro Sakan (visitor / percussionist)
Instruments Created by Ei Wada x Rinichi Washimi x Nicos Orchest-Lab
Shot by charlot
CRT-TV Drums. The sound is produced by catching static electricity from a CRT with the hands and sending electrical signals through the body to a guitar amplifier 📺
ブラウン管ドラム。ブラウン管テレビの静電気を手でキャッチして身体を通して電気信号をギターアンプに送ることで音を鳴らす 📺
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