Second Roei no Uta

Zoku Rouei no Uta (“Continued“/Second Field Encampment Song) was written by Sato Sonosuke in 1937 during the Sino-Japanese war. By a different songwriter than Rouei no Uta and written as a response piece, the song was much less popular than the former and this explains why there has only ever been one recording of the song, which I have taken from a good quality vinal recording and translated. This is the only ever translation into English of this song to the best of my knowledge. The lyrics are a mix of violent and astounding and have been set out here as another example of Japanese gunka with a rush of fitting battle footage and sound which I believe fit more for this song than for those of my other videos. Translation notes: “tides of blood“ - could also be translated by simply “blood“ but I was more literal here “human bullets“ - “nikudan“, alternatively the mass infantry charges on enemy positions “taste of Japanese steel“ - alternatively “a taste of my Japanese sword“ “the holy war“ - the name given
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