Hardest Still Rings Routine- 2021

This men’s still rings routine was created using an editing app and the the 3D GYM MEN app. The routine has a value of 17.4! I feel like this routine looks very difficult and I would dare anyone to try it! I hope you all enjoyed this routine and hope it inspired some of you to go for it or add some of these to your routines!!! Skills List: Colak Press to Inverted Cross Press from Inverted Cross to Press Handstand O’Neill Rodrigues From Victorian, go to Cross then Back Lever Carmona Press from Inverted Cross to Press Jonasson Tanaka Pham Van Gelder Press to Handstand from Planche Whittenburg If you enjoyed this please like and subscribe as I will create more in the future. This will be a part of an ongoing series I will do whenever the CoP is updated.
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