The Letter E Song

Come along with me, and let’s sing about e, the letter that follows the fourth letter d. How many words in this song will there be that begin with the excellent fifth letter e? Emma the emu and Ellie the elephant enjoy being friends at the zoo. Ellie eats peanuts, and Emma eats insects, and each one eats fruits and grass, too. Come along with me, and let’s sing about e, the letter that follows the fourth letter d. How many words in this song will there be that begin with the excellent fifth letter e? Edith the eagle laid eight eagle eggs and on them ’til spring, took a seat. The eggs all hatched early. Their feathers were curly! Lots of peeping and cheeping, no time for any sleeping— the eight hungry eagles wanted something to eat! Come along with me, let’s sing about e, the letter that follows the fourth letter d. How many words in this song will there be that begin with the excellent fifth letter e? That begin with the excellent fifth letter e!
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