Solo Atheon, Time’s Conflux (D2)

Credits to VoteForShifu, Baxlyy, D2_Tea and everyone else that contribuited to make this possible and GGs to VoteForShifu and D2_Tea for getting respectively 1st and 2nd kill! “Only“ took me ~35 hours and I’m super happy about it! That was the second time ever I got 4 phases in a row and I got the kill! Strategy: First of all you need to do a finisher to get teleported back (same as 2/3 man strat). Using the base finisher you have time to fire a Witherhoard shot mid-animation to try and kill the Gatekeeper, which needs to die in order for you to be able to open the portal. You need to also grab the Relic mid-animation. Damage: The only class which seems to be able to do enough damage is Middle Tree Solar Titan, using Fusions Grenades with Roaring Flames 3x and Empowered 2x (Heart of Inmost Light) Breach and Clear. You have 4 phases to get the kill before Enrage wipes you. Mods: 2x Superstructure Defender, Breach and Clear, Empowered Finisher/Radiant Light, Stacks on Stacks, Supercharged/Protective Light
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