东方红: 保卫黄河! The East Is Red: Protect the Yellow River!
“保卫黄河”是中国共产党在抗日战争扩张到中国领土上的黄河防卫爱国歌曲。 1938年,中国军方联盟作为放缓日本阻碍力量的战略举措,摧毁了黄河两岸的突出堤防。 这一举措使中国军队能够在武汉加强阵地,但却严重影响了平民,造成80万人死亡,1000多万人流离失所。
“Protect the Yellow River“, is a Chinese Communist patriotic song regarding the defence of the Yellow River in the fight against the expansion of the Japanese Empire into Chinese territory. In 1938, as a strategic move to slow the impeding advances of Imperial Japanese Forces, the coalition of the Chinese Military destroyed prominent dikes across the Yellow River. This action enabled the Chinese Army to fortify their positions at Wuhan, however, severely impacted the civilian population, leaving 800,000 dead and over 10,000,000 displaced.
“The East Is Red“, is a Chinese song and dance epic that recounts the History of the Communist Party, from events such as the resistance of the Japanese Occupation, to the Victory of Communist Forces over the Nationalists in 1949. The Video and Song have been used from this film.
(English Subtitles)
3 years ago 00:01:43 7
东方红: 保卫黄河! The East Is Red: Protect the Yellow River!