大王陪爸爸出门挖土,弄脏全身后回家泡个舒服的澡 Dawang and Dad go out to dig soil, and take a comfy bath after getting

平时对于一些基本常用的调料,我们都是自己种的,这天爸爸打算把多出来的蒜,挖了些土种起,于是叫上爱兜风的大王一起出门,带他出去绕绕顺便挖点土回家,果不其然,大王又把全身弄得脏兮兮,看来是早就打定了回家想泡澡的主意😏 We usually grow some basic and commonly used seasonings by ourselves. On this day, my Dad planned to dig some soil to plant the garlic, so he called Dawang who loves to go
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