Messalina | RS | Classic Peplum Film | Gladiator Movie | Roman Empire | Drama
Classic Gladiator Movie: Messalina - Scheming Messalina marries Roman Emperor Claudius but goes too far with a gladiator. - RS
Messalina (1960)
Director: Vittorio Cottafavi
Writers: Ennio De Concini, Mario Guerra, Carlo Romano
Stars: Belinda Lee, Spyros Fokas, Carlo Giustini
Genre: Drama
Country: Italy
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 1960 (Italy)
Filming Location: Cinecittà Studios, Cinecittà, Rome, Lazio, Italy(Studio)
After the tyrannical Emperor Caligula was murdered by his Praetorian Guards, Rome needs a new emperor. The Senators and the Praetorian Guards are undecided who the next emperor should be but finally agree that Claudius, the elderly cousin of Caligula should be chosen to rule. Now they had an emperor, they now had to find him a wife. At the same time, Valeria, a cousin of Claudius, was due to become a priestess in the Temple of Vesta. Valeria is no virgin. She a beautiful temptress, who has had numerous lovers and will marry Claudius, even though he is much older. She doesn’t want Claudius. She wants power. Now she will be Valeria Messalina, Empress of Rome. The most powerful woman an in the world!!!!
“In this opulent spectacle the corruption that was at the heart of the Roman Empire is embodied by the infamous empress Messalina, portrayed by Belinda Lee with surprising range from a vulnerable Vestal to the power mad, sexually insatiable, callous mudereress she supposedly became. If anything, the film underplays her infamy, though she is certainly evil enough.
In a memorable scene, a young would-be assassin (Giuliano Gemma) is lured into her bed only to be beheaded before fully awake the following morning. Messalina triumphantly parades into the palace quarters of the desperate plotters bearing the gift of his severed head. Spiros Focas is fine as the naif and devoted centurion who fell in love with her before the rot set in. As mounting evidence of her treachery and licentiousness builds, the enamored lover struggles to break free of her amorous toils and to eventually oppose her reign. Although present and participating in her last violent moments, he at last admits the necessity of her death.“
- written by “ccmiller1492“ on
Also Known As (AKA):
(original title) Messalina Venere imperatrice
Brazil Messalina - Vênus Imperial
East Germany Messalina - Imperial Venus(TV Title)
Finland Messalina
France Messaline
Greece Μεσσαλίνα(short title)
Greece Μεσσαλίνα η αυτοκράτειρα(Video Title)
India Messalina(Hindi)
Italy Messalina Venere imperatrice
Mexico Los amores de Messalina
Portugal Os amores de Messalina
Singapore Messalina(English)
United States Messalina
West Germany Messalina
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