20 Altoids Survival Tin/Kit Items In A Wallet ? The ULTIMATE EDC WALLET!

Is it possible to carry some EDC or emergency items in your wallet ? Your wallet can be used for more than credit cards and cash. What if I told you that you can carry approximately 25 useful tools or gadgets ion your wallet, as a back up to your other EDC kit or back pack ? Stick with me - it can be done! In my wallet - I carry - 1. Aluminium foil 2. bottle opener 3. can opener 4. emergency cash 6. Ferroceum rod 7. Scissors 8. knife edge 9. large tweezers 10. letter opener (sharpened blade) 11. magnifying lens 12. Phillips Screwdriver 13. pin, stainless steel 14. pressurised ballpoint pen 15. Rubber bands 16. ruler (cm (inches) 17. Safety pin 18. Saw blade 19. Screwdriver (Phillips and flat head) 4 in all. 20. Torch - LED light, white 21. Jute Twine 22. Wrench 24. Matches and striker 25. Fresnel lens 26. Band-Aids Other items you may like to include? Try these ......... 1. Duct tape 2. Zip loc bag 3.
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