Ultopica Covers - NES Godzilla Monster of Monsters: Mars
NES Godzilla’s Mars/Intro theme!
The years was 20XX, perhaps specifically 20X6, spaceships with drills in front where flying through the solar system!
The Earth wanted to send in Stinkoman, but he was probably... like... dead and they needed to collect all the crystals to resurrect him while he was learning the ’triple deuce up to ten tiiiimes!’ in the afterlife.
So either way they send in Godzilla, but the cartridge got haunted! Can Godzilla defeat the ghostly Red and prove the Justice of our Culture?
Anyway NES Godzilla Mars Theme!
11 months ago 00:02:29 4
Ultopica Covers - NES Godzilla Monster of Monsters: Mars