Breakthrough Into Freedom

“When I see a way I ask myself: Does this way have a heart or not ? If it is a path with heart I’ll go down that path. I go and see further in amazement and the only thing worthwhile is to walk the full length until the very end. All ways with a heart are good ways !“ Breakthrough Into Freedom We are Indigenous (Born-in), Ab-Originals (From the origin) or in short: Man and Woman and together we are forming the Movement of becoming and freeing of Life Itself; which is standing up against all Positivistic Law ! Positivistic Law means: Everything is forbidden except it is explicitly allowed by Law. That’s the wrong way around ! It’s about the Geometry of Law: Positivistic Law is inverted Negativistic Law. The one says, all is forbidden except it is allowed explicitly, while the other says, everything is allowed, except it is explicitly forbidden ! The one works with dogmas the other one with taboos. One is toxic law and one is healthy law ! One is Law of Death and one is Law of Life ! We’ve pulled out the trunk in our eyes and with the flame of benevolence, insight and determination made a torch of wisdom out of it, which shall shine for the benefit and well-being of all truly willing participants in that – our – living dream. We are Warriors ! We are Knowledge-seekers, Shamans, Magicians, Yogis and Sorcerers ! We are Seers and Seeress – and our intention was born and has grown out of the depth of inner silence & stillness and integrity. Led by the purity and the force itself we have been granted to see. To see, that we all have been already connected and interwoven in this eternal, free, living dream that we share all the time. One can now accept this invitation to Life Itself full of joy – or can go on trying to defy for an eternity, just to find out in the end, that one will not have been living at all, not have been coming home as stardust but spacedust – meaning not at all – complete failure ! Meaning never ever has been truly alive, never has been a true being ! Not just forgotten and eradicated from the whole cosmos. No; but thrown by Life Itself into the Never-Has-Been. Completely useless in the eyes of Life Itself ! We are the last ones of a generation of men and women who collectively have been entrusted to be the heart and the guardians of our people(s) – and earth. Brothers and sisters ! It is the hour of dignity, the hour to be. It is the hour to observe carefully – to observe ourselves. Without shame and without fear. It is the hour of fighting. Open your heart. Prepare your feet, given to you, open your eyes and your ears, be alert and attentive. Become now our word. Now, you are not only you anymore, now you are we ! Go now ! Go through the countries of the others. Go and speak ! Take now our face. Take now our voice. Go with our sight and vision. Make yourself to become our ears for listening to the others. You won’t be only you anymore. Now you are we. Come down from the mountains and search for the color of the earth in this world. You won’t be only you anymore. Now you are we.
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