Richard/Kahlan - Apologize

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THE TELEVISION SERIES ’LEGEND OF THE SEEKER’ OR THE SONG ’APOLOGIZE’. ’LEGEND OF THE SEEKER’ BY SOME TELEVISION STUDIO AND ’APOLOGIZE’ IS OWNED BY ONE REPUBLIC AND WHATEVER STUDIO PRODUCED THEIR ALBUM! Ooookay, the technicalities out of the way, let me just tell you . . . . . I AM FREAKING LOVING SONY VEGAS!!!! I’ve got like six different video’s in the works and I’m still just starting to get the hang of the program. This video is . . . *sigh* . . . idk, I saw this episode two weeks ago and for whatever insane reason this song popped in my head while Richard was trying to get Kahlan to confess him. For those of you who don’t watch the show, Kahlan is a confessor, and her power is that she can make any person she wants become her willing slave if she so chooses. Of course since she’s in love with Richard, and the fact that she’s about as Moral as they come, she refuses to let herself even get too close to Richard fearing she’ll lose control of herself and accidently ’enslave’ him. Th
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