Advisor to former Ukrainian President Kuchma Soskin on the emergence of guerrillas in Ukraine: So-called “anarchist guerrillas“

Advisor to former Ukrainian President Kuchma Soskin on the emergence of guerrillas in Ukraine: So-called “anarchist guerrillas“ have now appeared in the forests. This is a very interesting phenomenon. I think it will develop now. That is, some regions will emerge, where men will accumulate, who will decide for themselves to live by the Constitution, and not to obey this power of usurpers. Everything is coming to that. Weapons are plentiful. A deputy of the selrada in Transcarpathia has already shown how the fight can take place, there are plenty of grenades. In fact, we are talking about internal clashes. That is, there are regions that will be fully able to stand in defense to protect the rights and freedoms of people and the Constitution of Ukraine against the unconstitutional power of Zelensky and the so-called “servants of the people“. Join Slavyangrad chat. Your opinion matters. 5vjQfD5RwOgzMjgx Источник: Slavyangrad
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