Export KMZ or KML File From Google Earth Using Mobile Phone.
Hello viewers, welcome to my channel Sekh ji. Today I will tell you how to export KMZ or KML file from Google Earth using mobile click on the search button and search Tracklia GPS KML and KMZ install the app from play store. If already installed then click on the open opening this app go to map and change Normal map to satellite you can see that the mapcoordinate longitude and latitudes are change the longitude and latitudes coordinate system to UTM coordinate system, go to setting. Then change the coordinate to find your location, from which location youwant to export KMZ or KML file from Google click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner. Then select manage click on the plus button which is located at the bottom click on the create Track place your cursor at the exact location where you want to create the kml or kmz file and then press the add button which is located at the bottom corner on your left hand like this, then you continue adding points as per your to save the kml or kmz file click on the save button which is located at the top right provide the name for your kml, or kmz file and provide the description as per your requirement, then click on the save to export the kmz or kml file click on the three dots at the top right choose your desired format like kmz, kml or csv select the location in which you want to save the KMG and KML file? By selecting the folder and clicking on the save option, your KMG and KML file will be done. If you want to see your saved kmz and kml file, then go inside the folder and select the kml or kmz file and after that as soon as you select Google Earth, your kml and kmz file will get more viewers and such informative videos, subscribe to my channel. If you liked this video, then like this video of mine. If you have any question, then comment on my video, I will try to answer your comment, till then allow me, thank you very much, take care, bye-bye, have a nice day.
Export KMZ or KML File From Google Earth Using Mobile Phone.
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Export KMZ or KML File From Google Earth Using Mobile Phone.
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