- Trade on 30 popular crypto exchanges, manage your assets, explore arbitrage tool and practice trading in DEMO. Everything from one single interface.
Trading and managing crypto can be complicated, doesn’t matter if you are a pro trader or a beginner. With thousands of coins and hundreds of exchanges that are hard to follow, there are so many missed opportunities.
Well, now it’s time for something better... something smarter.
Bitsgap - is a new way to easily manage your portfolio, discover best rates and trade on all crypto exchanges in one place… from one account… anywhere and anytime.
• Trade and instantly switch between exchanges
• Quickly compare rates from all the market
• Keep track of your investments in Portfolio
• Set Stop Loss / Take Profit orders
• Exploit the price difference between exchanges with Arbitrage
Oh, and you can also use a DEMO MODE to test your strategies without risking real money.
Get started