Corset Enthusiast Shrinks Her Waist To An Extreme 16 Inches
Corset Enthusiast Shrinks Her Waist To An Extreme 16 Inches
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MEET Kelly Lee Dekay, 27, who has corset-trained her waist down to a tiny 16 INCHES in a bid to look like her favourite comic book idols. Kelly became obsessed with tight-lace corseting and incredibly shrunk her natural 30 inch waist by 12 inches in just six months. Growing up the fetish model fell in love with the hourglass look reading comic books and watching Haute Couture corsets on fashion runways.
Videographer / Director: Laurentiu Garofeanu
Producer: Emma Lowe
Editor: Sonia Estal
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1 year ago 00:04:19 28
Corset Enthusiast Shrinks Her Waist To An Extreme 16 Inches
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