[ZX] Consolidation of Imperia 3 [512K] (Action, 2003)

The last complete ZX Spectrum game made by Slip and, lemmie tell you, the most insane one, intro-design-wise. After that, he did a public demo of Oneyroid (cooperatively with Triumph Group) and a tech demo of Komando (has nothing to with with Capcom’s legendary run ’n gun or Eidos’s Commandos, just a tactical combat on Imperia 3 engine, starring some MIBs), but, obviously, that was all. Again, the new installment of Imperia trilogy changes the story base completely, but, instead of swapping the genre, it merely impoves on it. And, compared to the buggy-yet-somehow-playable Imperia 2 Dune, HOW. And, like any other installment in the trilogy, it starts with Earth being blown up once freaking more... The survivors, who call themselves The Children Of Stars have landed onto the beautiful planet, unaptly called The Black World. Initially, it was inhabitated by dirty vikings (or, seeing this game uses graphics from both Black Raven and unreleased Black Raven 2, kungus :)) and has an
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