Oy, Abram: Maxwell Street Klezmer Band Lori Lippitz

Vocalist Lori Lippitz performs Oy, Abram at Maxwell Street’s 30th Anniversary Concert on November 3, 2013 at the Old Town School of Folk Music. Alex Koffman, Arr. Videography by Jeremy Mangan. Visit Maxwell Street at . Lyrics: Oy, Abram, ich ken on dir nit zayn! Ich on dir, du on mir, kenen mir beyde nit zayn! Gedenkstu, gedenkstu, bai dem toyer, Hostu mir gezogt a sod in oyer? Oy, vey, Rivkenyu, gib zhe mir dayn piskenyu! Oy, vey, Rivkenyu, gib-zhe mir dayn piskenyu! Oy, Abram, ich ken on dir nit zayn! Ich on dir, du on mir, iz vi a kliamke on a tir! Gedenkstu, gedenkstu, af dem bulevar, Ich der kluger un du der nar? Oy, vey, Rivkenyu, gib-zhe mir dayn piskenyu! Oy, vey, Rivkenyu, gib-zhe mir dayn piskenyu! Oy, Abram, ich ken on dir nit zayn! Ich on dir, du on mir, kenen mir beyde nit zayn! Gedenkstu, gedenkstu, dos royte kleydl? Oy, bin ikh geven a sheyn meydl!... Oy, vey, Rivkenyu, gib-zhe mir dayn piskenyu! Oy, vey, Rivkenyu, gib-zhe mir dayn piskenyu! “Oy, Abram! I can’t live without you! You without me, me without you, neither one of us could manage without the other. Do you recall as we stood by the gate, you whispered a secret in my ear?” “Oy, vey, my Rivke, give me a kiss!” “Oy, Abram! I can’t live without you. You without me, me without you would be like a doorknob without a door. Do you remember, on the boulevard--me, the wise one and you the fool?” “Oy, vey, my Rivke, give me a kiss!” “Oy, Abram! I can’t live without you! You without me, me without you, neither one of us could manage without the other. Do you remember that little red dress? Oy, wasn’t I a pretty girl?” “Oy, vey, my Rivke, give me a kiss!”
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