Real Hyperboreans? Ancient North Eurasians

People used to believe in an Arctic polar origin myth of the Aryan people. Sounds like nonsense but the story does resemble the truth about a people scientists are calling “Ancient North Eurasians“ (ANE) About 50% of the Yamnaya DNA came from ANE via two intermediate population known as Eastern Hunter Gatherers and Caucasian hunter gatherers. Their genes were originally discovered through the genome of a Siberian boy who died over 20,000 years ago referred to as either Mal’ta boy or MA-1. The ANE lived on the mammoth steppe of Siberia and hunted megafauna. maybe the Aryans remembered their Arctic ice age origin as large mammoth hunting ice age men. Reading list: Ancient Admixture in Human History Mathieson et al. 2015 - Genome-wide patterns of selection in 230 ancient Eurasians. blonde hair and light skin selection
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