Old VW Van Off-Roading to Remote Desert for Camping & Lamb Tikka Dinner Firebox Freestyle Fire-Pit

Feeling those wonderful Desert Vibes in our 1986 VW 4x4 Syncro Van Camping in a dry creek bed cooking Firebox Freestyle Fire-Pit Lamb Tikka which turned out fantastic. We were also able to use the same hot coals from dinner to bake orange rolls and biscuits with the Firebox Ultra Cook Kit. When it comes to the outdoors “VIBE“ the desert definitely has something special to offer. Don’t get me wrong, the forest gives me a very spiritual experience but I seem to get to that place quicker when I’m in the desert. Maybe because its expansiveness and age are more palpable. Somehow, you feel your place in the universe more readily. Please offer your thoughts below. Do you prefer desert or forest camping? The Camp cooking gear I use in my videos are primarily of my own design. I use these trips as an opportunity to test as well as expand my understanding of the products I offer on my website. This also gives my customers a chance to see how I do things to get ideas of how the
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