Loki Laufeyson | Break The Ice (Ragnarok)

► watch in HD and with a small screen. sorry for the bad quality some clips have!! • ASK: • TWITTER: HELL THIS WAS A PAIN IN THE ASS TO RENDER... and there are still some mistakes i couldn’t change??? like some clips suddenly stopping and I’m like??? wtf sony???? W T F so ignore that but i had to... loki bby... BABY MY BABY my husband. my EVERYTHING okay enough of that. i watched thor 3 yesterday and i posted my opinion on facebook so i’ll copy-post it in here: (that’s just my opinion so don’t freak out if you think differently) so i’m kinda disappointed this movie wasn’t that good. OFC Loki was good. but nearly EVERY scene was kinda... ridiculous... ofc i love marvel’s humor, i REALLY LOVE IT. i laughed tears in guardians of the galaxy 2 but thor just exaggerated the funny scenes SO MUCH. i won’t say i didn’t laugh at all but i really missed the seriousness here i lo
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