Handy’s Memphis Blues Band Yellow Dog Blues (1922)

I do not own the copyright to this recording. This video is for historical and educational purposes Composed by William Christopher Handy Probable list of musicians: W.C. Handy:Bandleader and Cornet Johnny Dunn:Cornet Ike Hatch:Banjo George Higgans:Guitar Bobby Lee:Piano James Osborne & Robert Young:Clarinet & Alto Sax George Williams:Trombone Jim Turner, Edward Wyer & Paul Wyer:Violins Sy Moore:Drums Recorded in New York City, NY. January, 1922 Originally issued on the 1922 singles (Black Swan 2053) & (Paramount 20098) (78 RPM) This recording taken from the 1994 CD “W.C. Handy’s Memphis Blues Band“
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