These are “basics“ you are actually going to want to learn. PiGua is one of the great, big families of Northern Long Arm. In the case of PiGua (Split, Deflect) style the words “Long Arm“ are literal. Movements in this style are wide, loose, beautiful and powerful. The arms are used so lightly and with such flexibility that this is often compared to a Long Armed Ape. This video shows the essence of PiGua’s special arm waving exercises: really the most important aspect of the style. PiGua exercises can only help ANY practitioner of Chinese martial arts. Taught by top PiGua teacher: Guo Rui-Xiang.
This style, known throughout China, is one of the great fists. Not only is it loose, fluid, beautiful and effective but the relaxed movements are excellent for health. PiGua style blends extreme flexibility of the shoulder with Long Fist motions and a relaxed method of Fa Chin (energy issuing). Often taught hand in hand with BaJi these two compliment each other beautifully. But then again PiG
2 years ago 00:38:50 1
Tai Chi 5 Elements TonBei Fist Fundamental(Part 2)
2 years ago 00:52:25 1
Tai Chi 5 Elements TonBei Fist Fundamental(Part 1)
2 years ago 00:44:01 1
Tai Chi 5 Elements TonBei Fist Fundamental(Part 3)