SLIMMER LEGS WITHOUT MUSCLE GROWING | Personal workout program 👇

⭐️ Get the results, you always wanted. Let’s make together your own workout program - This workout is designed specifically to lose thigh fat and tone your legs, without growing muscles. We will start with basic exercises, and after on the floor, we will work out all the details so that your legs will be just perfect♥︎ This workout is not too difficult and suitable for beginner or medium level (in 2 rounds) ------------ Давно мрієш про спортивне тіло, але нічого не виходить? Давай складемо твій персональний план тренувань просто зараз ⇨ Це тренування створене спеціально для зменшення об...єму ніг та внутрішньої частини бедер🔥 Ми почнемо з базових вправ, а потім, за допомогою ізоляції, пропрацюємо всі деталі, щоб твої ніжки були просто ідеальними ♥ Тренування не надто складне і чудово підходить початківцям)) ------------ PROGRAM: 0:00 - 0:13 START 0:14 - 1:02 Squat - front kick 1:03 - 1:52 Lunges (L) 1:53 - 2:42 Lunges (R) 2:43 - 3:32 Side leg raises (L) 3:33 - 4:22 Side leg raises (R) 4:23 - 5:12 Wide squats with calf raise 5:13 - 6:03 Wide squat pulse 6:04 - 6:23 Break 6:24 - 7:13 Scissor kicks 7:14 - 8:03 Inner Thigh Raises (R) 8:04 - 8:53 Inner Thigh Raises (L) 8:54 - 9:43 Lying leg Lifts 9:44 - 10:33 1-Leg Bridge (R) 10:34 - 11:23 1-Leg Bridge (L) 11:24 - 12:13 low lunge pulses (R) 12:14 - 13:17 Low lunge pulses (L) ------------ 📩 Контакти: Personal programs ⇨ Mail ⇨ @ Instagram ⇨ TikTok ⇨ 🎵 Mузика: ⚠️ IMPORTANT: Your health and safety come first. To avoid any injury or harm, you need to check your health with your doctor before exercising. I am not a medical professional and just sharing with you what was effective for me. Try to perform all the exercises slowly and technically correctly. In case of any discomfort - training should be stopped. CALCULATION OF CALORIES: I count calories by using a chest strap heart-rate monitor. Calorie data is always approximate and may vary. It all depends on your age, weight, type of device, and many other factors. WHEN I’ll GET THE RESULTS? If you will train regularly, monitor your diet, and do all the exercises correctly, your body will actually change. But you won’t see your abs or grow a booty magically from 1 or 2 videos. To make good changes, your body needs time. No one will tell you how many, cause everyone is different. But you can start training and check it by yourself. #legworkout #slimlegs #homeworkout
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